• Northwest Academy's Vision for 2028

2023-28 Strategic Plan
During the 2023-24 school year, Northwest Academy has put the final touches on a 5-year strategic plan that establishes priorities and guides activity for the next chapters in the storied life of the school.

The strategic planning process began in the spring of 2023, a process that included focus group sessions comprised of faculty and staff, parents, alumni, and long-time friends of the school, as well as topical surveys of students, parents, teachers, and staff. The planning committee (including members of the Board of Trustees and the school’s senior leadership team) then wrestled with that input and subsequent stakeholder review to create the plan now being broadcast to the school community.

Below is the outline of our 5-year strategic plan.
During our strategic planning process, we determined that our mission and vision statements should be updated to reflect our goals and plans for the future.

Our Mission

To inspire students to cultivate their own intellectual and artistic voices in a supportive community grounded in knowledge, creativity, and critical thinking.

Our Vision

We envision Northwest Academy as a hub of educational and community activity in downtown Portland, celebrated for blending academic challenge, artistic expression, and civic experience for each and every student.